Thursday, March 14, 2013

First time for everything!

And tonight was my first official fall off the new boy. Go team! We were trotting along, perfectly happy, round and forward and lovely, when mister OTTB caught sight of something out the window and darted inside. Since I was completely caught off guard, I found myself standing in front of him, holding my reins, wondering how I got there. Whoopsie! Luckily 15.3hh is not too far to fall from. And I'm a pro at sticking my landings. Needless to say, mister 'oh my god everything is now SO scary' continued to spook around the ring for a while until he realized mom was not going to fall off again, and thy he should just buckle down and do some work so he could be finished for the night. Horses are ridiculous.

Tomorrow we'll have another ride, then a good lunge Saturday night before our lesson on Sunday. Eventually I may get around to blogging about last week's lesson, but it was a bit of an epic fail on my part due to extreme exhaustion (note to self, lessons after working a 12 hour day of manual labor are not a good idea)

Until next time, here are some more pictures of the handsome Reformation.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Back in action

I know it's been a REALLY long time since my last post, but Captain Careless has been doing his best at avoiding work through pasture inflicted injuries. It started with a rather impressive bite wound to his chin (skin flaps included!)

and continued with a mystery swelling of his left front ankle. Awesome. 2 weeks of vacation later, we are now back in action.

So far, we have had 4 lunge sessions and our first ride in weeks. For having a bunch of time off, AGAIN, he's come back pretty steadily. My ride on Sunday night was not the greatest, but that is to be expected. The plan is to ride 3 days this week (tomorrow, Weds, and Thurs) lunge Friday, and lesson for the first time in I can't remember how long Saturday night. Super excited!!!!

Hopefully I will be able to get back on track with my blog posts now that I'm actually working my horse again. This winter has absolutely not gone as planned, and we have A LOT of work to do before our attempt at not dying debut at the Combined Training event at Bucks County in mid April.

So, I will leave you with a bunch of screen shots from videos taken over the past week. One is even from a little free jump session! Woot!