Monday, December 3, 2012

Reffy comes home!

Yesterday (Sunday), Jeff, Ashley's dad and the owner of the farm where I work/live, and I drove out to Midatlantic Horse Rescue with his trailer to pick up my boy, Reformation. He loaded like a champ and made the 2 hour trip to his new temporary home like it was nothing. Of course, you can't bring home a new horse without some kind of excitement, and ours came with unloading. Reffy had a bit of a meltdown coming off the trailer and bonked his head pretty good on the step down :( Poor kid! No bumps or boo boos between his ears, but he did manage to scrape some hair off his nose. No more excitement please!

After that, he settle right into his stall, realized his straw bedding was NOT for eating, and got down to business munching some hay. Sadly, I had to go home and clean stalls and feed horses before I could come back and play with him. We had a good romp in the indoor, along with a nice roll in the sand before he was tucked in for the night.

Today, I got to come out to the barn around noon, now that I'm only working at home. Woo hoooo! My intentions were to see if he cross ties and lunges, and if he doesn't, start teaching him. Well, what do you know, the boy does both! He gets a little antsy in the cross ties, but didn't try and set back on them or walk through (I had the front and back doors closed, effectively boxing him in if that had happened). He definitely needs a little refresher for lunging, he gets confused when I ask him to slow his gait and stops and turns in on me or tries to change direction. We'll fix that in no time!

The rest of the week will be more of the same. Grooming in cross ties, lunging with and without tack, before Megan comes on Thursday or Friday to give us a lesson in proper lunging with side reins so I know I'm not doing it wrong. Wooo hoooo! I just love this horse :-D

Pictures are:

Cute nose speckles ;)
Grazing after lunging
Cross tied!
Hanging out in his stall.

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