Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Scraggly Tail Syndrome

I have always had the pleasure of owning and riding horses with exceptional tails. Dusty's was ridiculously thick and grew like a weed. One winter I kept it bagged and by summer he had 4 or 5 inches that drug on the ground. Theo was the same. Beautiful, full tails all around.

Reffy, on the other hand, is not so lucky in the tail department. His is fairly long, skims the ground when wet, but he has some unfortunate fried and bleached layers in the top half of his tail. His tail bone also brags an abundance of flakey, itchy skin. Poor guy.

Today started his, probably weekly, ritual of tail management. After washing as much as I could dunk in a bucket full of water with some Mane and Tail 2 in 1 anti-dandruff shampoo and conditioner, we set out on the fabulously tedious task of detangling his tail. By hand. While rubbing copious amounts of MTG into the tail bone. And spraying the entire length with a lanolin based hair moisturizer. Lol. The whole process took about an hour, and man was he a champ. He stood, and by stood I mean napped with a hind propped, in the cross ties the whole time.

I didn't have enough time to work him today, but I'll have plenty tomorrow. I think maybe he'll get all fancied up in dressage tack for his lunge. ;) Onward!!!!

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